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Industry Updates

July 2014 Newsletter
July 2014
Selecting the best loan that suits your needs
Borrowers Experience many emotions when buying a home. Most of them are positive but one of the most common emotions is also fear.Fear of selecting the wrong home loan is a common concern for most. So how do you know which type of loan is best for you?

June 2014 Newsletter
June 2014
Balancing the Budget
Every Year, Australians enjoy about $36.B worth of tax breaks on the family home,including capital gains tax and negative gearing. While Treasury doesn't comment on budget speculation, rumours of cuts to neagtive gearing circulate at this time nearly every year. With the new Goverment this year focusing on balancing the books, the noise appears to be louder than usual.

March 2014 Newsletter
March 2014
Property co-ownership on the increase
While some might say that home ownership gets
more out of reach for the average Australian, a
new trend towards property ‘co-ownership’
appears also to be on the increase, particularly
with younger buyers who are pooling their

July 2013 Newsletter
July 2013
When should I refinance my mortgage?
Whenever it makes financial sense to do so. Heard about mortgage refinancing? In the past, most people who took out amortgage doggedly continued with ituntil they had paid it off. These days, people refinance their mortgage muchmore frequently. The average duration ofa home loan in Australia now is just 4-5years. Here we look at some of thereasons people in Australia refinancetheir home loan.

June 2013 Newsletter
June 2013
Not all properties are okay for a lender!
Did you know that the banks do not accept some properties as security for a home loan? So even if you get pre-approval, and you decide to buy acertain property type, your loan may bedeclined. This is because a pre-approvalis always subject to the lender acceptingthe property that you buy as security.Where you have concerns, it is best tocheck with us before making any offers.

April 2013 Newsletter
April 2013
Could new credit reporting laws lock you out from borrowing?
Changes to the Privacy Act mean credit reporting in Australia is about to take a turn. But could it make the road tougher for borrowers?
New reporting laws mean more detailed information will be available to financial institutions, including:
–The date the credit account was opened.
–The type of credit account opened.

January & February 2013 Newsletter
January / February 2013
A Guide to property investing
If you are thinking about buying an investment property, this guide might be useful for you.
1) Learn before you look
Research the market before you start hunting for your investment property. There are property seminars available for free and attending one or two of them will provide you with a basic knowledge to help you make the right decision. The internet can also be useful to assist you with studying prices and areas.